Proofing Conundrum

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Proofing Conundrum

Proofing Conundrum

Hi everyone- I’m trying to mail my pizza game a bit more and was hoping for some clarification.

I typically cold ferment my dough for 2/3 days with a poolish for a New York/artisan style pizza.

My question is this- once my ingredients are mixed, I have read varying things.

Do I: A)-ball immediately and place in fridge B)-let dough rise 20% then into fridge C)-let dough double or triple in size before balling and into fridge D)-remove dough 1 hour before to warm up before baking E)-remove dough 3/4 hours before baking to let it finish rising.

I guess my question is.. A)What do you do? I know it’s dependent on yeast/temperature/style

Oh the pizza rabbit hole….

Thanks for any thoughts :)

submitted by /u/RobThomasBouchard to r/Pizza
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