2022 Domaine de la Cras Bourgogne

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2022 Domaine de la Cras Bourgogne

2022 Domaine de la Cras Bourgogne

Is it burgundy? Is it ~natural wine~? Who knows!

I’ve been told by people who care more about what’s “hot” than I do that this producer is “hot” these days.

Mixed opinions on this one. Nose upon opening this was VERY funky. Barnyardy funk. My girlfriend who is not a massive wine-o said it smelled like poop. She might not have been that far off… the palate was so different and was very closed at first with notes of tart strawberry and cranberry.

As it opened up, the funkiness subsided a bit but never left for good. Always mostly barnyard funk. The tart strawberry and cranberry remained but overall the finish became longer and longer and it wasn’t so closed off with time.

I didn’t love it, but I’d try it again. I probably would give this one an hour or two to breathe before approaching it next time.

submitted by /u/TheEconomy97 to r/wine
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