Road Trip! Suggestions?

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Road Trip! Suggestions?

Road Trip! Suggestions?

Hi, tomorrow I’m doing an annual car road trip and this is the only bit of mainland France that we are going through. Majority of us are also wine lovers, but we always gave advantage to nice, small, curvy women… I mean roads! WTH autocorrect?! Anyways, after doing this every year we probably did every… road possible and tomorrow I’d like to surprise my boys with some pit-stops with nice wine shops, bars, cantinas… You name it. Bonus points for the wine from that area, but we are happy to try (and stock up) any.

The road projected is just an example (therefore those posh names on the map) for easier understanding, so small deviations are not a problem. Except for the few guys with 60/70 years old masterpieces.

Any suggestions where to stop?


submitted by /u/YharnamPrince to r/wine
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