I made this for my niece for her second birthday, I filled it up with her favorite things.

crossstitch 0 24

I made this for my niece for her second birthday, I filled it up with …

I made this for my niece for her second birthday, I filled it up with her favorite things.

This is only my second big project and I'm so happy with how it turned out. I am no artist and really can't draw to save my life, so it was such a challenge to try and outline the things I wanted to embroider. I can be really critical of myself, but I had a kind friend along the way who reminded me that homemade things will never be perfect and that's what makes them special.

Her favorite things are:

A book about a mouse and a strawberry. Maracas from her little music class. Her French bulldog, named Archie. Books. Yogurt. Disney world/Minnie mouse Puzzles Bluey Trips to florida to visit grandparents French fries Her Papa's truck.

submitted by /u/FieldElbow to r/Embroidery
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