What’s in your notions pouch?

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What’s in your notions pouch?

What’s in your notions pouch?

This post inspired by the fact that I can’t find one of my darning needles, or my tape measure. Again.

I had dumped out my notions pouch (the bag on the right) in an effort to locate the wayward darning needle, without success. I think I know where the tape measure wandered off to, but I’m not positive. I have several, but they all like to wander.

But this is what all was in there.

Some leftover red yarn in a sock weight; I think I had used it as a lifeline in something or other.

My scissors in their leather sheath. They used to be blue, but the paint flaked off.

A tin of assorted stitch markers of various styles and sizes, there’s also some tiny safety eyes in there.

A mechanical pencil and a Clic eraser, and a 1.5mm crochet hook with a protective sheath over the hook end.

A glass nail file (always useful!), and a blue safety-pin style stitch holder that I’m using to hold a lot of lightbulb style stitch markers.

The wooden needle case for my darning needles, and the darning needles I had in it.

A clover folding darning needle threader—I love this thing, one of the best notion purchases I could have ever made.

Some buttons, one set still in the packaging (and I hope they work for what’s planned), and more lightbulb markers that were just loose in the bag.

My “cheat sheets”—a Kitchener stitch dog tag, and a German short row tag.

I’m also missing a pad of post-it notes, but I know where that’s at; I left it at work on my desk.

submitted by /u/JKnits79 to r/knitting
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