Trying to not be mad at myself while I get ready to rip out almost an entire sleeve of mohair.

crossstitch 0 4

Trying to not be mad at myself while I get ready to rip out almost an …

Trying to not be mad at myself while I get ready to rip out almost an entire sleeve of mohair.

I did the ribbing on the first sleeve, then forgot to change out the needle tips before starting the 2nd. A full day of power-knitting later, I just finished 10 out of 13 pattern repeats before I noticed the mistake.

I was hoping to get this done by Monday evening, so I could wash & block it before heading out of town to my first yarn festival. I'm just glad I caught it before I completely finished ????????

Such is life, I suppose. Time for a glass of wine.

submitted by /u/Det_Munches to r/knitting
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