Finished this bad boy. And...

pla 0 19

Finished this bad boy. And...

Finished this bad boy. And...

I must admit it was a bittersweet experience.

First, incredible design and extremely fun to build. I especially love all the details that no one will ever see, but you know they're here. I don't think I'll ever build a better made kit than this one (and it'll most probably be my only PG). However, these stickers, goddammit -_- They're so bad. And honestly, considering the price of the kit, it's just BS and plain unacceptable. I'm quite pissed. I wouldn't say it totally ruined my experience, but it surely spoiled it a bit.

I'm not sure I'll panel line it, I think the kit looks very good this way. I don't think I'll top coat it either, I'm too scared of ruining it.

Now I'll just have to find a cooler pose. I tried the iconic one with the rifle pointed at the sky, but I couldn't get the arm right.

submitted by /u/Rebgenn to r/Gunpla
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