2024 the year I discovered citadel paint
5 and a half kits this year and the big thing for me was putting down the enamels and rattle cans and venturing into acrylic… the RG zaku was fun but didn’t make sense to paint with all the detail in the basic kit… Im really proud of my Strike, it has problems but looks great on the shelf and really happy with the custom colour-way… The astray is a solid final result, I broke a few bits along the way and its definitely a kit that looks better from behind as the shield is the high point With the EG nu i tried oil washes and melted all the plastic. its held together with alot of blu-tac and hope… but i learned alot about what not to do… I probably had the most fun with the SD freedom… filled all the voids with epoxy clay did a bit of sculpting and delivered a solid paint job The gelgoog, I’ve been working (on and off) for three months I got nul oil expecting it to be a game changer but the gloss finish came as an unwelcome surprise still expect it to be my best work once i get it done… Ive got to the point now with the citadels that i think i want to change paint brand i find that it drys too quickly on the brush and starts to clump up and leave grains on the kit… next tool investment will be a wet pallet in an effort to minimise the brush texture Tl:dr I’m a brush guy [link] [comments] |