Eastmallbuy is actively looking for fake reviewers

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Eastmallbuy is actively looking for fake reviewers

Eastmallbuy is actively looking for fake reviewers

If you're wondering why various subs, including this one, are constantly showing up with alleged qc or review posts with just a single article (red background) and an invite link to this dodgy agent, you should realise that these are fake topics. Users are recruited to post reviews of items that they have never bought. To do this, they are sent one or more pictures, which they are then supposed to use for their fake review. There also seems to be a template for the text, as it is almost identical for different users. In return, the users seem to get balance on their account.

I would sanction such questionable behaviour. For an ordinary user like me, this means: do not use the agent under any circumstances, advise others not to use it, and distrust every eastmallbuy post.

As a mod or admin, I would not allow links to such an agent, and would blacklist the agent and ban fake reviewers permanently (only I'm not a mod ????).

Everyone can draw their own conclusions, I draw mine...

submitted by /u/chemicalengineerz to r/FashionReps
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