[OC] Considering moving to Croatia? These are the finances of an average Croatian living on average salary of 1322€

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[OC] Considering moving to Croatia? These are the finances of an avera…

[OC] Considering moving to Croatia? These are the finances of an average Croatian living on average salary of 1322€

This is how is life of an average Croatian based on average salary and life expenses, keep in mind this is hypothetical (what would my expenses be if I decided to rent/buy an apartment while living on average Croatian salary), based on real data which will be explained below.

Wages - based on average salary in Croatia, how much your employer pays you, pre-tax

Taxes - how much of your salary goes into taxes, this is paid by your employer directly, you never get this money and it’s out of your control

Budget - the net amount you actually receive on your bank account after taxes

Health insurance - the portion of taxes used to pay your obligatory health insurance

Pension - the portion of taxes used by the government to pay pensions

Other - general tax

Rent/mortgage - either rent for an average apartment for 700€ a month or a 30 year mortgage for a 30-70sqm lower-end apartment (150,000€)

Utilities - including water, electricity, heating, waste, and other utilities (can vary between cities, based on where I currently live)

WiFi - home unlimited internet plan and telephone, not including TV

Mobile - mobile number with 11GB of internet

Gasoline - for transportation to and from work only, gasoline for general trips not included, in reality can be much higher

Car maintenance - general car maintenance like oil change and other parts assuming you to the maintenance yourself, not including tires and assuming no major repairs

Car insurance - general inspection and insurance to keep your car legally on the road

Food - expenses for one person assuming all meals are cooked at home for max. savings, no going out to restaurants, bars etc.

Savings - what you are left with after all expenses, budget to either save, invest or spend on clothing, going out or anything else

submitted by /u/ivanjurman to r/dataisbeautiful
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